Fire Cupping


Fire Cupping Therapy

 What is it?
Fire Cupping is an ancient TCM modality that is used to alleviate pain and improve the immune system. Glass cups are used in combination with fire to create heat for the suction to occur. This technique should only be done by licensed practitioners of Chinese Medicine and those that have had proper training in this medicine.  

How Does it Work?
By creating a suction with cups and heat on different areas of the body, this technique can be used to pull “pathogens”, or diseases, out of the body and bring them to the surface of the skin to be released. Cupping is also used to relieve musculoskeletal aches, by bringing “old” or “bad” blood to the surface, therefore alleviating the pain it was causing and allowing new blood to take its place. Most cupping sessions will leave the skin with “marks”, which indicate the stagnations. These marks are completely normal and are a sign of the body healing. 

What to Expect? 
Experience Fire Cupping at the Healing Nest in San Diego. The session will be 45-60 minutes. It will begin with a practitioner to patient intake questionnaire, allowing proper diagnosis and plan of treatment. From there, the patient will receive a light oil massage, followed by the suction of cups with fire. The cups may be moved to different areas of the back using a sliding technique. The treatment will follow with another light massage.

It is very important (while the cupping marks are present) that the patient cover up their back / areas of cupping in order to keep them from cold exposure – advice: take warm to hot showers, keep a scarf on in the colder months, wear warm layers, avoid ocean or cold waters)

What it Does?
– release pathogens and toxins
– break up stagnations
– increase circulation
– stimulate proper healing
– alleviate pain & muscle soreness


Cosmetic Facial

Fire Cupping

Gua Sha


Nutrition & Supplements