Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture Facial
What is it?
Facial acupuncture is great for improving the skin’s elasticity and collagen production — it does so by increasing blood flow and circulation to designated areas. By stimulating the facial muscles, cosmetic acupuncture also lifts, firms and tones the face. We do facial points in combination with body acupuncture points to treat the overall system to enhance anti-aging results. Cosmetic Acupuncture is a service we offer in San Diego which is also great for eliminating scars and evening out skin-tone.
What to Expect?
A Cosmetic Acupuncture session will be 75 minutes long and will include corresponding body points to treat the body as a whole and any underlying conditions. It will begin with a general practitioner to patient intake questionnaire, followed by tongue and pulse observation. These steps are done to ensure that we come up with the proper plan of treatment. We begin the session with Microcurrent Therapy using the NuFace device. This will give the face a “workout” by targeting the muscle layer through microcurrents. The patient will then relax with Cosmetic Acupuncture, as well as body points, under an LED Light for added collagen stimulation. The session will finish with a Gua Sha facial massage to further lift and tone the facial muscles. You will leave feeling glowy, dewey and ready to take on the rest of the day!
How Often?
Unlike microneedling, which can only be done once per month, Cosmetic Acupuncture can be done weekly or bi-weekly depending on your skin goals. To begin, it is important to keep up with consistent treatments – starting at once per week, to allow the body to adapt and see results sooner. Once we are starting to see an improvement, Cosmetic Acupuncture can be done every other week (twice per month). Continue until desired results, and then schedule every so often for up-keep.
What it Does?
– increases collagen to specific areas of the face or neck
– stimulates circulation, improving and evening out skin-tone
– breaks up scar tissue, allowing for cellular growth and healing
– targets and stimulates facial muscles to tighten, lift and tone
Cosmetic Facial
Fire Cupping
Gua Sha
Nutrition & Supplements